About Us

Bucks-Mont Astronomical Association (BMAA) is a group of amateur astronomers working together to improve knowledge and appreciation of astronomy and to improve observing and astrophotography skills.  BMAA members are a varied group of individuals who all share a curiosity about celestial objects and the sky.

Our missions is to:

  • Enhance understanding and knowledge of the science of astronomy among club members and interested members of the general public.
  • Instill in others an appreciation of the beauty and wonders of the universe through visual observation of celestial objects and astrophotography.
  • Provide assistance in the operation and use of astronomy-related instruments.
  • Promote public awareness of astronomy through public star watches and our outreach program.

What We Do:

BMAA is a non-profit organization and anyone is invited to participate in our events and or to join our club. The only requirement is to have an interest in things related to astronomy. We guarantee you will leave our meetings and events with a better appreciation for the wonders of our night sky. 

  • We hold Monthly Meetings the first Wednesday of each month, consisting of presentations and demonstrations on astronomy-related topics as well as discussions about equipment, techniques and observing experiences and challenges. Learn more about our Events and check our Calendar to see what we are planning.
  • We hold periodic Star-watches at the Tohickon Boat Launch area in Lake Nockamixon State Park. Information about the times and location of star watches can be found on the Event page. Members make our instruments available to the public and provide assistance with others’ instruments.
  • We provide Astronomy-related Educational Outreach and Special Programs, on request, for schools, youth groups and civic organizations at no charge. Learn more on the Education page and check our Calendar for next Outreach Program.
  • Contact us via the contact form below or by e-mail at  info@BMA2.org.

BMAA Officers and Coordinators:

  • Bob Jorgenson, President
  • Lee Zagar, President Ex-officio
  • John Urbanchuk and Gary Sprague, Co-Vice Presidents
  • Bill Scherr, Treasurer
  • Francesca Santini and Jim Cook, Co-Secretaries
  • Dwight Dulsky, Outreach Coordinator
  • Rachael Nazaruk, Star watch coordinator
  • Bill duBell, Membership and Communications Coordinator