The Bucks-Mont Astronomical Association conducts astronomy-related educational Outreach and Special Programs geared for various age levels from children to adults. for schools, libraries, youth groups and civic organizations at no charge. The programs are generally indoors and focused on astronomical education topics.
Star Watches are large outdoor public events at selected dark sky locations for stargazing and observing the night sky through telescopes. See our Star Watch page for more information. Outreach programs are educational programs and activities that are typically held indoors or in small group gatherings for a specific audience and focus topic. Our multimedia type presentations generally last around an hour or less. Outreach topics can be tailored to meet specific needs and objectives. The youngest groups we work with are 3rd grade and up.
We love working with local Scout groups. Often the best experience we can offer is for your group to come to one of our scheduled public starwatches. We can then provide some special programming to help your scouts achieve their astronomy goals under our dark sky observation area in Nockamixon State Park. Sorry, we do not schedule for private residential functions. Educational Philosophy: Our programs are presented from a scientific perspective.
We are rather busy in the warmer months with Starwatch programs, Winter scheduling is often more flexible. We are sometimes booked months ahead.
If you are interested in having BMAA conduct a program for your organization or simply request more information about our Outreach Programs please contact Dwight Dulsky, School & Community Outreach Programs Coordinator using our contact form below:
The program presenters are unpaid volunteers. Our members are always welcomed to get involved with our outreach programs!
If you are a member interested in partecipating as volonteer at one of our Outreach Events, please email your availability to our Coordinator Dwight Dulsky.
Bernie had a life-long love and curiosity for all things related to astronomy and more. He was an accomplished observer of the heavens and the wonders that they held. Bernie was an avid reader and there was little that he did not retain in his amazing mind. The high point of many a BMAA meeting was a short lecture on some scientific aspect of our hobby that always included a pop quiz that more often than not stumped everyone present.
In addition, Bernie was a highly skilled craftsman for observing instruments. He was an accomplished lens, mirror and telescope maker and he loved to share his skill and knowledge with young and old alike.
Bernie was a true teacher who left some small part of his amazing knowledge with all of us. It is for this reason we make a yearly award, in his name to a deserving student pursuing a Science, Mathematics or Astronomy degree at a local College or University.